Rewind Burnout.

EMDR and Psychedelic Therapy for millennials recovering from Burnout in Denver, CO.

Is this more than you bargained for yet?

- Fall Out Boy

best therapy for Burnout Colorado

It certainly has been a Semi-Charmed kind of life. We were promised the world, then handed a world on fire - literally.

Between the climate crisis, political turmoil, and economic distress, it’s no surprise they’re calling us the Burnout Generation. Too much pressure for too long has programed us to default to stress/survival mode. We’re irritable, tired, and over it.

Chronic Stress damages structures of the brain. When this happens, our brains have a harder time learning new skills, problem solving, accessing creativity, feeling compassion, remembering information, adapting to changes, and feeling peace and joy. Generally, adulting and feeling happiness becomes a lot harder. The good news, we have tools to rewind this damage.

Burnout Counseling Denver

Rewind Burnout

If it’s not working right, try rebooting - this sage wisdom applies to the brain too.

EMDR and Psychedelic Therapy are powerful and effective tools for rewinding damage caused by stress. They work by healing the nervous system and allowing us to make meaning of our lives.

Maybe you have tried traditional talk therapy before and didn’t get the result you wanted. Here things are different. Here we focus on the profound healing you crave.

Burnout Colorado

I’m Amanda.

Professional Counselor, Psychedelic Therapist, Trauma Specialist, Millennial, Burnout survivor.

I’ve been there. There were days I felt like a crispy chicken wing burned out beyond all recognition. It doesn’t have to this way. I deeply believe every person is capable and deserving of a life filled with meaning. I am here to help clear some of the stuff that gets in the way.

Here’s what I do:

Burnout therapy

Manage stress and build a life that sustains you.

Millennial mental health colorado

Make meaning of psychedelic experiences.

Therapy for stress management in Colorado

Rewind Burnout and Chronic Stress.

Colorado Burnout

Interested in this doing this work? Let’s connect.

Therapy for millennials colorado

A reboot that heals Chronic Stress and Burnout

Millennial Burnout

Connect, grow, heal.

I would love to hear your story.

Therapy for burnout in Colorado